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Ghost Helper

An alien robot exploring a lost civilization by way of an accidental, haunted time capsule. Also side quests. · By thatguynm


Recent updates

Ghost Helper Progress Update & GH: Pocket Mall
Bad news first... So progress on Ghost Helper proper has been glacial at best. I haven't had access to the computer I use to work on the project in some time. B...
Apocalyptic Cozy? The Heck Is That!?
Its just a dumb term I made so I could write apocalyptic-style fiction that eschews the typical gritty, violent tropes of the genre. But I guess there's more I...
Ghosts & Art Dump
An alien robot exploring a lost civilization by way of an accidental, haunted time capsule. Also side quests.
Progress Shots
An alien robot exploring a lost civilization by way of an accidental, haunted time capsule. Also side quests.
G-G-Ghosts! and Questing
Ghosts... Working on getting the ghosts to look right, along with ghostly dialogue portraits for character since I'm terrible at 3d animation. The goal for the...
Worldbuilding #2: More Posters and How You Can Make Your Own!
More Posters! I wasn't sure what to put here, but then I realized some people might be interested in the process of creating some digital ephemera like t...
Worldbuilding #1: some posters
In trying to make an interesting world for the player to explore, I relied on things I wanted to convey. One of those things was that the culture of the game en...

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